Friday, May 4, 2007

Science's New Take on Death

I think this article is extremely intriguing. I always sort of wondered about something like this because you can save organs and donate organs that will work in other people's bodies. The cells aren't dead, so what makes someone dead? Now, I am no doctor and I usually have quite a distaste for science, so I won't even pretend I know what I'm talking about, but it was always just a curious thought on my mind. Death is such an interesting topic, as is life. We have such extreme arguments for when life truly starts with issues like abortion, I'm surprised we don't have more arguments about death. I think people tend to think death is more of something we do not have control over, even though saving lives is a daily phenomenon and something people innately try to do in one way or another, by that I mean if you are a doctor and saving a life or if you are a random person who witnesses someone in danger and tries to help. I think it is interesting how humans have an instinct to stay alive, but we also have the instinct to save others. I think most people would risk their own lives to save another in need without thinking of themselves, though there is that theory, every man for himself. I wonder then, is that more of a conditioned action or a natural one? Does it come from personality or the way in which someone was raised? And that of course all goes back to nurture vs. nature, one of my absolutely favorite debates. I know that I would automatically risk my life for someone else. But I wonder, are there people out there who are too selfish, or scared, or whatever it may be that they would let another person die when there may be something they could do to help? And then it makes me think about times of mass crisis, like war, and terrorism. What about places who are stricken with constant violence, where you can't even go to the market place without hearing gun shots. Do those people who live in constant terror and violence give a second thought to saving other people or have they been conditioned to accept death surrounding them and have been forced to just pray it doesn't happen to them and their families. These are things I would love to actually be able to research but instead will probably only get to theorize. Anyway, I strayed away from the initial article, but do read it, it isn't very long, I'd be interested to hear what other people may have to say.

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