Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Lipstick Legends"

I just love old movie stars so I wanted to share this link. Rita Hayworth is so gorgeous. They just don't make women like they used to.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


These are actual warning cartoons that are placed on plastic bags that come with scanners, faxes, printers, etc. These are my captions.

"Do not place plastic bag around baby Timmy's head and let him crawl around, no!"

"Do not place plastic bag around your own head and hold closed tightly around your own throat, suffocation may occur."

However, maybe they leave them caption free with the hopes of natural selection.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Doctors' beliefs can hinder patient care

This simply infuriates me. It takes a lot for something to really get me emotionally wound up in anger and disgust and this did it. This article is about how some doctors are now refusing health care to individuals, mostly women, if it conflicts with their moral beliefs. Doctors refuse to give out birth control, provide the morning after pill to rape victims and deny abortions all because it’s against their moral beliefs. I’m sorry, but if you decide to be a doctor you damn well know that doing those things will be a part of your job. It is not a doctor’s place to put judgment on people or to deny them the health care they request. I am so sick of these fanatical religious people who take places of power and push their beliefs on other people by refusing to act accordingly to their job title. This goes for politicians too. George W. Bush just vetoed the stem cell research bill, why? Because it’s against his religion, did he care about the almost 70% of America’s who were in favor of it? No. Isn’t a President, a Doctor, supposed to be working for the people? When did these positions of trust and power become so self righteous and selfish that they cannot separate themselves from the duties they promised to provide.

I’m not saying I agree with issues like abortion, and that's my point, I personally would not have an abortion, but my personal morals have nothing to do with the person who sits next to me in class or on the buss, and I refuse to judge. If they want to make that choice it is not anyone’s right to take that choice away from them or to tell them they're wrong. God did not create people to judge other people. Every individual makes their own decisions and choices and they deserve to know their options. I hate that age old argument of trying to save other people with religious beliefs, if a person has any interest in a religion they will find a way to be a part of it, they don’t need to be hammered by people trying to constantly convert, especially with uncalled messages that only provoke fear and often hatred.

A doctor has a job just like everyone else, you go to work and you do your work, you leave your personal life at home and you leave your work at the office. The article mentioned something about how doctors have to be able to go home at night and live with themselves. If a doctor doesn’t believe in birth control or abortion and gives out birth control or abortion because a person requested it, in my opinion, that lays no judgment on the doctor and the doctor shouldn’t make themselves feel bad because of it. If you feel otherwise, don’t be a doctor.

Anyone who condemns a doctor for giving out birth control or performing abortions needs to get a life and focus on positive ways to spend their energy. I will never understand how issues like stopping gay marriage and stem cell research always take precedence over making sure people have food, shelter and good health. I especially think that the two rape cases that are mentioned in this article are an abomination. When will this world stop being so concerned with making everyone else think exactly like them. "It doesn't matter how you get there as long as you all arrive at the same place."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Political Cartoon

hahaha this really makes me laugh, look how angry the Pope looks stuck in his bubble, hahaha.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jesus Loves A Machine Gun

Wtf.... This is insane. A video game called Left Behind, where you maim and murder and hate, all in God's name. Praise!" Here is the first bit of the article with the link for it following. I had been sent this awhile ago and forgotten about it until I just found it looking through my old emails. The article is by Mark Morford, who I have linked, and of course he is extreme left wing so he gets a bit sarcastic, but still, wtf... I think he has good right to with his. I just don't know what to say.

"Are you a true believer? Do you just know deep down in your black Wal-Mart socks that every word of the Bible is the absolute literal truth and nothing dare be doubted and anyone who thinks that God is merely an ambisexual omniblissful bloom of moist divine nondenominational honeydew melon should be strung up by their small intestine and beaten with sticks sharpened by Mel Gibson's teeth?

Do you feel, furthermore, that human cretins like, say, gays and Jews and Wiccans and all those hippie weirdos with their iPods and low-cut jeans and easy laughter are a plague upon this fine and holy land?

Do you think that contemptible books like "The Da Vinci Code" are not only blasphemy, but that you should probably go out into the street right now and behead a few lambs and perhaps mow down some Taoists with a Gatling gun just to deflect its horrible notions of the sacredness of the feminine divine? You do?

Praise Jesus! Your video game has arrived....."

Go to this link to read the rest and access more links about the game.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Dictionaries ready? The symbiosis of ratiocination and pure emotion. I think that statement is an oxymoron. Yet as I find more and more I live in a state of contradictions. I feel like a Rembrandt painting. I have high highs and low darks and the transition between them in nearly non existent. But really, I know Karen and I have had many discussions on this topic but it just keeps coming to my attention. We also had an interesting discussion about how guilt gets to us, though it isn’t often we really feel guilty about a certain situation, we end up feeling guilty because we don’t feel guilty. I think another discussion about creative thinking and productive thinking applies nicely to this as well. Just as in this discussion where one has to really think about where to draw the line between what is creative and what is productive how do you make a line between ratiocination and emotions, or intuition.

Back to my statement about high highs and low darks, I realize that made me sound like I’m bi-polar, but I wasn’t talking about it in that instance. I meant more of how I constantly change my mind about things, I can be set on something and then in an hour totally change my mind. That is a very odd characteristic for me since as long as I can remember I’ve always been very firm on my decisions, well thought out and precise and defined and it was very rare they’d change. I’ve also noticed a change in me where I don’t show extreme emotions anymore. I wonder what all this says about myself or my current state of affairs. I wonder if it’s just a stage in life or a new set of beliefs. I guess time will only tell. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; being so constantly aware is rather annoying and brings about frustration, though I’m not entirely sure I’d trade it for ignorance. Emotions can seem to voracious to one’s logical mind, which I think is the problem, how do you validate something that doesn’t seem to make sense, but what in this world makes sense and how do you define sense in the first place? I think my brain has had enough for now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"What is Fascism?" George Orwell


Monday, June 4, 2007

Shot over chille sauce


I mean, seriously. Who does that?? That is so ridiculous I don't even know what to say. But that last quote at the very end cracks me up every time. Wow... speechless....