Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jesus Loves A Machine Gun

Wtf.... This is insane. A video game called Left Behind, where you maim and murder and hate, all in God's name. Praise!" Here is the first bit of the article with the link for it following. I had been sent this awhile ago and forgotten about it until I just found it looking through my old emails. The article is by Mark Morford, who I have linked, and of course he is extreme left wing so he gets a bit sarcastic, but still, wtf... I think he has good right to with his. I just don't know what to say.

"Are you a true believer? Do you just know deep down in your black Wal-Mart socks that every word of the Bible is the absolute literal truth and nothing dare be doubted and anyone who thinks that God is merely an ambisexual omniblissful bloom of moist divine nondenominational honeydew melon should be strung up by their small intestine and beaten with sticks sharpened by Mel Gibson's teeth?

Do you feel, furthermore, that human cretins like, say, gays and Jews and Wiccans and all those hippie weirdos with their iPods and low-cut jeans and easy laughter are a plague upon this fine and holy land?

Do you think that contemptible books like "The Da Vinci Code" are not only blasphemy, but that you should probably go out into the street right now and behead a few lambs and perhaps mow down some Taoists with a Gatling gun just to deflect its horrible notions of the sacredness of the feminine divine? You do?

Praise Jesus! Your video game has arrived....."

Go to this link to read the rest and access more links about the game.

1 comment:

karen said...

wow. I'm at a loss for more words, right now. just "wow." It might be okay if you knew people would laugh and point at the silly game...but I'm just not that optimistic.