Monday, April 23, 2007


So yea, apparently I’m pretty bad about keeping up on these things. It’s hard to find things to write about sometimes, especially when the personal life gets crazy. I refuse to turn this into a myspace blog letting the world know about all my problems. Instead, here’s something to ponder. I’m not really sure about how people can truly believe what they say, how they formulate opinions that are often so hypocritical. I think we all tend to do it now and again, but really, sometimes it just astonishes me. What I’m really thinking about as I say this is the current shootings in Virginia and the past shootings across the country. (I’d think about other shootings in other countries but it seems that American media really doesn’t think other countries are all that important unless we bomb them so until I get back into the habit of reading other countries news American news will have to suffice). You get these kids, adults, people who have so much pain in their lives and start to rebel. And granted I know in a few of these cases these people are mentally ill, but other people who are not begin to think they understand what these people are saying and think they have good points, I disagree.

You start to hear about, and I am paraphrasing, how if only people were nicer than these things wouldn’t happen. How it is the victims’ own fault for mistreating others, teasing, taunting, pushing them too far. Usually they focus on some aspect of their victims’ lives that they don’t have, money and faith being two big trends it seems. They then proceed to spew nonsense about how they are martyrs and they are doing this for the people who have suffered like they have and basically what they are trying to say is “I’m teaching you all a lesson so that people stop treating others like this.” Now, does anyone else see a flaw in that theory? Can you righteously claim that you are supporting humanity and the people who are “just like you” who get teased and picked on relentlessly by murdering other people who most the time aren’t even the ones who did the taunting in the first place? There are greater and much less violent ways to serve humanity. Not to mention it doesn’t really seem to be teaching anyone any lesson. After about a week the teasing starts again, the relentless verbal and sometimes physical abuse children dish out to each other is an ongoing event that won’t be stopped by murder. Now most the time it seems that the people who come up with these theories are deranged, but that doesn’t seem to stop the other kids who listen and watch this nonsense start up a following in their thinking. I just think it is so interesting how people react so quickly and are so willing to follow blindly. The problem in this country especially is we have forgotten how to teach our children to think. Thinking is the key no matter what the situation. It is dangerous to act like sheep, though I doubt it will ever stop, and that is what gives rise to terrible power. I am curious to see where events like this will take us. What will be the changes made in the future? Will there be any changes or as a society are we willing to mourn but keep our eyes shut and look the other way. I think ten years from now will be an interesting time, which path will the world take. I hope to find out.

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